Lucent Technologies lucent Server User Manual

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DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 6
Maintenance for R6vs/si
Issue 1
August 1997
Error Messages
Page A-27display alarms
Field Error Messages
Following are the error messages that will be displayed on the screen. The messages
are displayed when the system technician tabs out of a field and the validation routines
are executed. In the following messages, an "x" represents the character that was
entered by the user.
To (day) "Enter day between 0-31"
To (hour) "Enter hour between 0-23"
To (minute) "Enter minute between 0-59"
Cabinet: "Enter cabinet number (1-3)"
Port Network: "Enter port network number (1-3)"
Board Number: "Enter 5 character board number;
Port: "Enter port number;
Category: The category field help is a list of objects. This list
includes the following: adm-conn, announce, bri/asai,
card-mem, cdr, data-mod, detector, dup-spe, environ,
exp-intf, ext-dev, generatr, inads-link, infc, maint, mbus,
memory, misc, mnt-test, modem, netcon, pkt, pkt-ctrl
pms/jrnl, procr, quick-st s-syn, stabd, stacrk, stations,
sys-prnt, tape, tdm, tone, trkbd, trkcrk, trunk, wideband.
For a table describing the category entries in greater
detail, see the ‘‘
display errors’’ command.
Extension: "Enter assigned extension"
Trunk (group) "Enter group number between 1-99"
Trunk (member) "Enter group member between 1-99, or blank"
Active? ""x" is an invalid entry; please press
Resolved? ""x" is an invalid entry; please press
Major? ""x" is an invalid entry; please press
Minor? ""x" is an invalid entry; please press
Warning? ""x" is an invalid entry; please press
Interval: ""x" is an invalid entry; please press
From (month) "Entry must be all digits"
From (day) "Entry must be all digits"
From (hour) "Entry must be all digits"
From (minute) "Entry must be all digits"