Lucent Technologies lucent Server User Manual

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DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 6
Maintenance for R6vs/si
Issue 1
August 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
BRI Port Local TDM Loop Around Test (#619)
This test is destructive.
This test verifies the connectivity of a BRI port across the TDM Bus. It aborts if
calls associated with the port are in progress. Failure of this test indicates an
on-board fault associated with the port hardware on the circuit pack.
This Loop Around Test runs a series of individual tests on the two B-channels (B1
and B2) associated with the port. It is a collection of the following:
A Loop Around Test across the TDM Bus for B1.
A Conference Circuit Test for B1.
A Loop Around Test across the TDM Bus for B2.
A Conference Circuit Test for B2.
The tests are run in the above order. If one fails, the remaining tests in the
sequence are not executed. An error code is returned at that point.
This test is not executed for ABRI-PORT/ATT-PORT/LGATE-PT/ATTE-PT because
the B-channels associated with the port are not used by ASAI or AT&T adjuncts.
The dotted lines in Figure 10-8 show how a Loop Around Test is performed for
the B-channels. The figure shows a terminal connected to a BRI line board using
a TN556. If a TN2198 is used, the terminal would be connected to a NT1, and the
NT1 to the BRI board.
FAIL The Loop Around Test has failed.
1. If the test fails repeatedly, attempt to reset the circuit pack if the other
ports on the board are not in use. Reset the circuit pack by issuing the
busyout board PCSS and the reset board PCSS commands.
2. If the test fails again, execute test pkt P on the G3MT terminal. If this
fails, follow failure procedures in PKT-BUS section.
3. If tests executed in Step 2 pass, the problem is local to the BRI board.
Replace the circuit pack.
PASS The BRI Port Local LAN Loop Around Test has passed.
Table 10-57. TEST #618 BRI Port Local LAN Loop Around — Continued
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page