DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Level 1 Status Inquiry Test (#621)
This test determines the state of the transmission facility of a BRI port at the
physical layer (that is, Level 1). Level 1 can be in one of three possible states:
Activated, Pending Activation, or Deactivated.
The Activated state is the correct state for an ISDN-BRI port. In this state the
Level 1 interface can communicate with the BRI endpoint or ASAI or AT&T
adjunct administered on this port. This test passes if the state of Level 1 (L1) is
Activated. This test also passes if software has taken this port out of service. See
the description of the Level 1 "Deactivated State" below for more details.
The Pending Activation state indicates a problem with the endpoints or adjunct,
the wiring to the sets or adjunct, or the BRI-LINE circuit pack. When in this state,
the Level 1 interface is either not receiving any L1 framing from the endpoint or
adjunct (Endpoint Idle), or it is communicating with the endpoint or adjunct but
cannot transition to the Activated state (Endpoint Active).
The Deactivated state indicates a problem with the BRI-LINE circuit pack. When
in this state, the Level 1 interface is idle and is not trying to communicate with the
BRI endpoints or adjunct. When an ISDN-BRI port is placed in the out-of-service
state, Level 1 is also put into the Deactivated state. This could be due either to
the system detecting a fault with the port or to a busyout port PCSSpp request.