DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Commands and Trouble-Clearing Aids
Page 8-331restore announcements
Help Messages
If the system technician presses HELP after entering "restore announcements," the
following message is displayed:
Enter [’print’ or ’schedule’]
Error Messages
If the announcement data module cannot be accessed (upload/download port is
active), the following message is displayed:
Announcement data module not available
If the announcement data module has been taken out of service, the following
message is displayed:
Announcement data module out of service
If one or more of the announcement ports are in use, the following message is
Announcement port in use; please try later
If the announcement data module is not administered, the following message is
Required announcement data module not administered
If the announcement data module is not administered or is currently in use, the
following message is displayed:
Required data module not administered or unavailable
If there is no announcement board in the system, the following message is
Integrated announcement board not present
If the NETCON data module is not administered or out of service the following
message is displayed:
Required NETCON data module not
administered or out-of-service
print In addition to displaying the output of the restore announcement
command on the Manager I terminal, print the result of the restore
announcement command on the printer.
scheduled Schedule the execution of the restore announcement command at a
specific time.