DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-1125POWER (Battery & Battery Charger) for AC-Powered Systems
generated from other tests in the testing sequence. During this test, the status
LED on the battery charger is lit and extinguished if the status of the battery
charger is reported as normal. This event is a result of checking that the battery
charger is connected.
a. Refer to AC-POWER (AC Power) Maintenance documentation for a
description of this test.
b. Refer to CARR-POW (Carrier Port Power Unit) Maintenance
documentation for a description of this test
c. Refer to EMG-XFER (Emergency Transfer) Maintenance documentation
for a description of this test.
d. Refer to CABINET (Cabinet Sensors) Maintenance documentation for a
description of this test.
e. Refer to EXT-DEV (External Alarm) Maintenance documentation for a
description of this test.
f. Refer to RING-GEN (Analog Ring Generator) Maintenance documentation
for a description of this test.
1. D = Destructive; ND = Nondestructive
Order of Investigation
Short Test
Sequence D/ND
Battery & Battery Charger Query Test (#5) X X ND
AC Power Query Test (#78) (a) X X ND
Power Unit Query Test (carrier E) (#127) (b) X X ND
Power Unit Query Test (carrier D) (#127) (b) X X ND
Power Unit Query Test (carrier A) (#127) (b) X X ND
Power Unit Query Test (carrier B) (#127) (b) X X ND
Power Unit Query Test (carrier C) (#127) (b) X X ND
Emergency Transfer Query Test (#124) (c) X X ND
Cabinet Sensors Query Test (#122) (d) X X ND
External Alarm Lead Query Test (#120) (e) X X ND
Analog Ring Generator Initialization Test
(#117) (f)
Analog Ring Generator Query Test (#118)