DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-616DUPINT (Duplication Interface Circuit Pack)
Duplication Interface Circuit Pack
Administration Terminal Loop Back Test (#274)
This test loops back data through the UART used to communicate with
administration terminal. The data is generated by the Duplication Interface circuit
pack processor and is looped through the UART. The test is done entirely on the
Duplication Interface circuit pack. The test passes if the data sent matches the
data received. This test does not check the physical serial channel that is printed
on the backplane or carried by the ICC.
2052 ABORT Only occurs when attempting to reset Duplication Interface A. If SPE B is
not in Standby Mode, ready to take over, then this test aborts.
1. Resolve all “STBY-SPE” errors and alarms.
2. Use refresh spe command to place SPE B in Standby Mode.
3. Repeat the test.
2000 FAIL The software timed out waiting for Duplication Interface circuit pack to
respond to the background test query.
1. Rerun the test.
2. If the test fails with a 2000 again, then deal with the Duplication
Interface Circuit Pack Status Query Test (#315) results first.
FAIL The sanity timer circuit on the Duplication Interface circuit pack is
defective. The Duplication Interface circuit pack should be replaced.
1. Follow the procedure for replacing Common Control circuit packs, and
replace the Duplication Interface circuit pack.
2. Rerun the test.
The Duplication Interface circuit pack has failed to handshake with either
the active Maintenance/Tape Processor (in the case of Duplication
Interface circuit pack A) or the Duplication Interface circuit pack A (in the
case of Duplication Interface circuit pack B).
1. Refer to NO BOARD description for the Duplication Interface Circuit
Pack Status Query Test (#315).
PASS The Duplication Interface circuit pack successfully reset. The Duplication
Interface circuit pack may still have problems related to any of the other
Duplication Interface circuit pack tests. Follow up on any other test failures.
Table 10-173. TEST #273 Duplication Interface Circuit Pack
Sanity Circuit Test — Continued
Result Description/Recommendation
Continued on next page