DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-1080PI-SCI (System Communication Interface)
Table 10-315. TEST #231 SCI Self Test
Result Description/ Recommendation
11 ABORT Internal system error
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals a maximum of 5 times.
13 ABORT The TN765 PI circuit pack has not been reset yet or is currently being reset.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals a maximum of 5 times.
2. If the test continues to abort with error code 13, then reset the TN765 via
"test interface PCS long".
Resetting the TN765 will cause all BX.25 (Audix, cms, etc.) and
ISDN-PRI links to be briefly torn down.
3. If TN765 fails to be reset, refer to test 176 section description.
4xxx FAIL Hardware on the TN765 Processor Interface failed.
1. 4000 - Assigned data link hardware failure.
2. 4001 - Unassigned data link hardware failure.
3. 4002 - CPU function test failed - hardware failure.
4. 4003 - Local Processor Interface RAM memory test failed - hardware
5. 4004 - Local EPROM memory test failed - hardware failure.
6. For all of the above errors, retry the test. If it fails again, the
Communication Interface should be restarted. Type in a reset interface
command. If the reset is successful, retry the test interface command.
If Test #231 still fails with error codes other than 4001, then replace
TN765 Processor Interface circuit pack. Refer to Chapter 6, ‘‘
Systems: A Maintenance Aid’’ for instructions on how to replace an SPE
complex circuit pack. If test fails with Error Code 4001, then an
on-board failure is associated with a non-used port on Processor
Interface circuit pack. TN765 circuit pack should be replaced if this port
will be used in the future.
PASS TN765 Processor Interface circuit pack passed self-test. On-board
hardware is functioning correctly.
Continued on next page