DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Commands and Trouble-Clearing Aids
Page 8-102display alarms
Field Error Messages
Following are the error messages that will be displayed on the screen. The
messages are displayed when the system technician tabs out of a field and the
validation routines are executed. In the following messages, an "x" represents the
character that was entered by the user.
Port: "Enter port number;
Category: The category field help is a list of objects. This list
includes the following: adm-conn, announce, bri/asai,
card-mem, cdr, data-mod, detector, dup-spe, environ,
exp-intf, ext-dev, generatr, inads-link, infc, maint, mbus,
memory, misc, mnt-test, modem, netcon, pkt, pkt-ctrl
pms/jrnl, procr, quick-st s-syn, stabd, stacrk, stations,
sys-prnt, tape, tdm, tone, trkbd, trkcrk, trunk, wideband.
For a table describing the category entries in greater
detail, see the ‘‘
display errors’’ command.
Extension: "Enter assigned extension"
Trunk (group) "Enter group number between 1-99"
Trunk (member) "Enter group member between 1-99, or blank"
Active? ""x" is an invalid entry; please press
Resolved? ""x" is an invalid entry; please press
Major? ""x" is an invalid entry; please press
Minor? ""x" is an invalid entry; please press
Warning? ""x" is an invalid entry; please press
Interval: ""x" is an invalid entry; please press
From (month) "Entry must be all digits"
From (day) "Entry must be all digits"
From (hour) "Entry must be all digits"
From (minute) "Entry must be all digits"
To (month) "Entry must be all digits"
To (day) "Entry must be all digits"
To (hour) "Entry must be all digits"
To (minute) "Entry must be all digits"
Cabinet: "Entry invalid"
Port Network: "Entry invalid"
Board Number: "Board invalid"