DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-244CARD-MEM (Memory Card)
A memory card has a write-protection switch along its edge. If the
write-protection switch is enabled, the memory card cannot be written to.
The 12 volt power supply unit located in TN777B NETCON circuit pack supports
the erase and write operations of flash memory devices in the TN786B or TN790
Processor circuit pack. The unit also supports the memory card inserted in the
TN777B NETCON circuit pack. If the 12 volt power supply unit cannot be turned
on to supply 12 volts, all erase and write operations fail. Refer to 12V-PWR (12
volt power supply) Maintenance documentation for a detailed description.
To write data (for example, translations) onto a memory card, the system
software first erases the memory card and then writes the data. An erased bit can
be written again, but a written bit cannot be changed or written again until after
the next erasure. Software erase and write operations on a memory card take
longer as the card usage increases. A memory card that cannot be erased or
written to by software should be replaced.
Removing A Memory Card From The Slot
A memory card can be removed from the slot at the TN777B NETCON circuit
pack only when the fourth yellow LED with a label "card-in-use" is not glowing.
Otherwise, the memory card operation might be interrupted abnormally, and the
files stored in the memory card may become corrupted.
Resolving an Alarm Raised Against a Memory
The list that follows discusses the procedures for resolving an alarm that is raised
against a memory card:
1. Remove the inserted memory card from the slot at the TN777B NETCON
circuit pack while the "card-in-use" amber LED on TN777B is not glowing.
2. Insert the new formatted memory card firmly into the slot at the TN777B
NETCON circuit pack.
3. Enter the test card-mem command to verify the new memory card.
4. If the alarm cannot be resolved by replacing the memory card, do the
a. Remove the memory card from the TN777B NETCON circuit pack.
b. Replace the TN777B NETCON circuit pack in the appropriate
control carrier. Since the TN777B is in the SPE control complex,
follow the standard procedures for replacing an SPE circuit pack.
c. Insert the memory card back into the slot at the TN777B circuit
d. Enter the test network-control [long] command to verify the new
TN777B and the memory card.