DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-1650VC-LEV (Voice Conditioner DSP Port Level)
When diagnosing a VC-LEV problem, resolve any alarms raised against
VC-BD or VC-DSPPT maintenance objects. Clearing VC-BD or VC-DSPPT
alarms may clear the VC-LEV alarm.
The VC circuit pack is maintained by the software similarly to the Tone Detector
circuit pack. Tone Detector circuit packs may be removed and reinserted in any
port board slot without administration. The same rule applies to VC circuit packs.
If a VC circuit pack is removed from service logically (by failing the Archangel
sanity scan test) or is removed from service physically (by physically removing
the circuit pack from the carrier), no error/alarm is raised against VC-BD or
VC-DSPPT maintenance objects. Therefore, if a VC-LEV error/alarm exists, and
none has been raised against VC-BD or VC-DSPPT maintenance objects, a VC
circuit pack may have been removed from service causing the VC-LEV
error/alarm. To resolve a VC-LEV MAJOR alarm, restore the number of VC ports
available for service to be equal to or more than the calculated port capacity
(value entered in the VCs field).
To determine how many VC circuit packs are needed for the MMCH feature:
1. Display the System-Parameters Maintenance form by executing the
command display system-parameters maintenance.
2. Locate the number listed in the Minimum Maintenance Threshold (VCs)
field. The MMCH feature requires one VC circuit pack for each four ports
listed in the Minimum Maintenance Threshold (VCs)
3. Divide the Minimum Maintenance Threshold value by 8 to determine the
number of VC circuit packs needed. For example, a port capacity of 12
listed in the Minimum Maintenance Threshold (VCs) field would require 2
VC circuit packs.
4. Use the list configuration command to verify that the number of VC
circuit packs listed agrees with the required number of VC circuit packs
(determined in step 3). If the number of VC circuit packs listed in the step
3 differs from the calculated number, restore the number of VC circuit
packs to the correct value, in order to resolve the VC-LEV alarm.