DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-333CO-TRK (CO Trunk)
Table 10-93. CO Trunk Errors with NO Tests
Data Description and System Action System Technician Action
1 57347 Port error. Ringing without ground. This
error is detected on an incoming call on
a ground-start CO trunk. The CO trunk
circuit pack has not detected a Tip
ground before ringing current is
detected. This may indicate that the
ground detector is not working.
However, the call is accepted.
See Note 1 at end of table.
257 50176 Battery reversal detected. This is
usually caused by the CO (often seen
with step-by-step and cross-bar offices
in connection with outgoing calls). This
is detected if the direction of the loop
current changes from normal to reverse
for at least 40 msec. Could occur if the
trunk was just installed and for some
reason the Tip and Ring wires were
reversed at the PBX. If battery reversals
occur during dialing, wrong numbers
may result. The CO should be asked to
remove the battery reversal option.
Refer problem to CO.
513 57364 Ground detector stuck active. After
several occurrences, an on-board minor
alarm is generated.
Run short test. If test aborts
with Error Code 1000,
disconnect Tip and Ring and
repeat short test. If test still
aborts, replace circuit pack.
If test passes, refer problem
to CO. If any other error code
is received, pursue that
769 57392 CO not releasing after call is dropped
from PBX end (off-board alarm after
several occurrences), or the loop is not
open after a disconnect (on-board
alarm after several occurrences).
For off-board alarm, refer
problem to CO. For on-board
alarm, the circuit pack has an
on-board problem (for
example, stuck relay) and
should be replaced.
Continued on next page