DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Commands and Trouble-Clearing Aids
Page 8-127display initcauses
The history of the last 16 restarts performed by the system will be recorded to the
initcauses buffer in chronological order. This buffer will fill an entire screen with
information if it is completely full. Power failures in the processor complex wipe
out the entire initcauses buffer which is stored by the software. In duplex
systems, both processors have to lose power before the information will be lost.
No defaults.
Help Messages
If the system technician presses HELP after entering "display initcauses" the
following message will be displayed:
[’print’ or ’schedule’]
Error Messages
If during the execution of a command a resource problem occurs that requires
the user to restart the command, then the following message will be displayed:
Command resources busy; Press CANCEL to clear, and then resubmit
If all of the available maintenance resources are currently in use, then the
following message will be displayed:
All maintenance resources busy; try again later
print This will cause the report to be printed if a printer is linked to the SAT.