DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Commands and Trouble-Clearing Aids
Page 8-455status hardware-group
For the following output example, the command "status hardware-group" was
Hardware Group
Command State:
The state of a hardware-group command: "active" - if testing
is in progress, "canceled" - if testing has been canceled,
"complete" - if the command has completed and there is no
testing going on.
Number of MOs Tested: The number of MOs in the specified group (refer to test
hardware-group command) that have had been tested by
the current hardware-group command. This includes all
MOs that were either actually tested or were aborted due to
resource contention.
Total Number of MOs to
be Tested:
The total number of MOs in the group that was specified in
the "test hardware-group" command.
Percent Complete: A ratio of the number of MOs completed and the total
number of MOs to test in the command.
Elapsed Test Time: The duration of the hardware-group test. If a test was
canceled and then restarted this time excludes the cancel
period. If the hardware-group command has finished it will
indicate the length of time it took to complete the command.
The time is displayed in the HH:MM:SS format where HH is
hours, MM is minutes, and SS is seconds.
Repetition Number The number of iterations that have been completed
corresponding to the ’repeat’ or the ’continuously’ option.
Percentage of Tests
The percentage of tests that passed.
Percentage of Tests
The percentage of tests that failed.
Percentage of Tests
The percentage of tests that were aborted.
Command: The hardware-group action object and qualifiers that were
Test sequence: This will display either short or long.
Test repetition: This will display either continuously or the keyword repeat
along with the repeat value entered.
Output options: This will display the selections that were chosen on the input
form: auto-page, background, or failures.
Hardware options: This will display the selections that were chosen on the input
form: all-ports, or SPE-interchange.