DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-1263STBY-SPE (Standby SPE)
shadowing mechanism may be functional. However, to restore the
memory shadowing, look for the presence of Error Types 67, 85, and 106
and use the recommended commands to clear these errors.
Because the handshake between Dupint-A and Dupint-B is tested in
the background, the test results from executing the test
duplication-interface a command do not indicate their current
status. However, if the background testing determines that all three
handshakes (that is, Dupint-A to Dupint-B, Dupint-A to Active-MTP,
and Dupint-A to Standby-MTP) have become operational, and if
there are no other current STBY-SPE errors, Error Types 80, 81, and
82 and the associated STBY-SPE alarm will be cleared in about 30
g. Error Type 85 is logged when the Duplication Interface circuit pack
detects that writes made to the Standby SPE Memory are not being
acknowledged. This implies that the shadowing mechanism is not
The presence of time-outs when shadowing to the Standby SPE Memory
should be checked by issuing the test duplication-interface a long
command. This command runs a test that forces memory writes to the
Standby SPE Memory and detects time-outs waiting for
acknowledgments. If time-outs are not detected, memory shadowing may
be functional. However, to restore the functionality of memory shadowing,
look for the presence of Error Types 67, 82, and 106 and use the
recommended commands to clear these errors.
h. Error Type 98 is logged when the Active SPEMTP Dual Port RAM Test
(#104) fails. This implies an inability to communicate with the Active MTP.
The ability to communicate with the Active MTP should be checked by
issuing the test processor a | b short command, where "a | b" indicates
the carrier that contains the Active SPE.
i. Error Type 99 is logged when the Active SPE detects that the handshake
that is maintained between the Active SPE Processor and the Active SPE
Maintenance/Tape Processor has been lost. This implies an inability to
communicate with the Active MTP.
The ability to communicate with the Active MTP should be checked by
issuing the test processor a | b short command, where "a | b" indicates
the carrier that contains the Active SPE.
j. Error Type 106 is logged when the Standby SPE Memory Functional Test
(#332) fails. This implies an inability to communicate with the Standby SPE
and also that the shadowing mechanism is not functioning.
The functionality of the Standby SPE Memory should be checked by
issuing the test memory a | b long command, where "a | b" indicates the
carrier that contains the Standby SPE. This command runs the Memory
Functional Test. If the test passes, the communication path between the