DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-1391TDM-BUS (TDM Bus)
3. Whether or not all the errors can be cleared, test the TDM Bus again via
the test tdm P command.
4. If some TDM Bus tests fail, continue with the next circuit pack.
5. If there are no more circuit packs in the list, go to Procedure 2.
6. If all the TDM Bus tests pass, the problem has been fixed.
Procedure 2
This procedure removes and re-inserts port circuit packs (purple slot); one or
several at a time.
If all of the TDM Bus tests pass when the circuit pack is removed, but some of the
tests fail when the circuit pack is inserted, the circuit pack is the cause of the
problem and should be replaced. If some of the tests fail regardless of whether
the circuit pack is inserted or removed, the circuit pack is not the cause of the
problem (see Note). Repeat this procedure for each purple slot circuit pack in
the Port Network.
Of course, in a multiple failure situation, the circuit pack may be one cause
of the TDM Bus problem and there may be other failures that are causing
TDM Bus faults. Also, the circuit pack itself may not be the cause of the
problem, but the backplane pins may have been bent when the circuit pack
was inserted.
1. Remove port circuit packs which have failed the NPE Crosstalk Test (#6)
first. To find which circuit packs failed this test, display the Hardware Error
Log via the display errors command. Refer to the Maintenance
documentation of each port circuit pack that has port errors to check if
any error indicates the failure of the NPE Crosstalk Test.
2. If no circuit pack failed the NPE Crosstalk Test (#6), remove one or several
purple slot circuit packs.
3. Run the test tdm P command.
4. If any of the TDM Bus tests fail:
■ Check if the backplane pins in the removed circuit pack’s slot
appear to be bent.
■ If the backplane pins are bent, straighten or replace the pins,
re-insert the circuit pack, and do this procedure again for the same
circuit pack.
■ If the backplane pins are not bent, re-insert the circuit pack and do
this procedure for the next set of circuit packs.
5. If none of the TDM Bus tests fail:
■ Re-insert the circuit pack.
■ Run the test tdm system technician command.