DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-618DUPINT (Duplication Interface Circuit Pack)
Duplication Interface Circuit Pack SPE A Loop
Back Test (#275)
This test loops data back through the UART used to communicate with
Maintenance/Tape Processor A. The data is generated by the Duplication
Interface circuit pack processor and is looped through the UART. The test is
done entirely on the Duplication Interface circuit pack. The test passes if the data
sent matches the data received. This test does not check the physical serial
channel that is printed on the backplane or carried by the ICC.
Table 10-175. TEST #275 Duplication Interface Circuit Pack SPE A Loop Back Test
Result Description/Recommendation
1000 ABORT System resources required to run this test are not available.
2000 ABORT Response to the test request was not received within the allowable time
2033 ABORT Internal system error
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals a maximum of 5 times.
FAIL The tested UART on the Duplication Interface circuit pack is defective.
1. If this is Duplication Interface circuit pack A, then the circuit pack must
be replaced to restore duplication. If this is Duplication Interface
circuit pack B, then this failure has no real impact on the system.
However, since this Duplication Interface circuit pack can never be
used in the A carrier, it should be replaced at some point.
2. Follow general procedures for replacing Common Control circuit
packs, and replace the Duplication Interface circuit pack.
3. Rerun the test.
The Duplication Interface circuit pack has failed to handshake with either
the active Maintenance/Tape Processor (in the case of Duplication
Interface circuit pack A) or the Duplication Interface circuit pack A (in the
case of Duplication Interface circuit pack B).
1. Refer to NO BOARD description for the Duplication Interface Circuit
Pack Status Query Test (#315).
PASS The SPE A UART on the Duplication Interface circuit pack is good. This
implies that Duplication Interface circuit pack A should be able to
communicate with SPE A. This implies that Duplication Interface circuit
pack B has a good UART.
Continued on next page