DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Commands and Trouble-Clearing Aids
Page 8-270refresh spe-standby
Help Messages
If the system technician presses HELP after entering "refresh spe-standby," the
following message will be displayed:
Entry is not required
Error Messages
If the command entered is in conflict with another currently executing command,
then a message will be displayed showing the login id of the conflicting user and
the conflicting command. The message is as follows:
’login id’:’command’ has a command conflict
If the refresh command is successful, the following message will be displayed on
the SAT:
Command successfully completed
If the refresh command is unsuccessful, the following message will be displayed
on the SAT:
Refresh not successful;
use ’display errors’ to check for STBY-SPE errors
If the active SPE is held reset via the SPE select switches, then the following will
be displayed:
Could only hold Standby SPE reset because
Active SPE is locked via SPE select switches