DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Commands and Trouble-Clearing Aids
Page 8-187list history
Number Board
List History
0 - 30 EPN Maintenance Board Port MAINT
31 - 40 System Access Port SYS-PORT
41 Maintenance Board Port SYSAM-LCL
42 Remote Maintenance Board Port SYSAM-RMT
Login The login of the user performing the data command; for example
"system technician."
Actn The first word (verb) of the command, specifying the operation to be
performed. This field is truncated after four characters to allow enough
space for objects and qualifiers. Four characters is enough to uniquely
identify each action.
Object The second phrase of the command specifying the particular thing
being acted upon by the command. Note: Where the object is multiple
words in length, only the first word will be displayed in the object field.
All succeeding words will be treated as qualifiers. This field is
truncated after twelve characters to allow enough space for qualifiers.
Twelve characters is enough to uniquely identify each object.
Qualifier One or more qualifiers which specify the characteristics of the
action/object pair. This field is truncated after 31 characters to keep
information for a command on a single line.