DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-1515TSC-ADM (Administered Temporary Signaling Connections)
TSCs are established on an as-needed basis. In this case, the ADMTSC is
established whenever it is needed, and not before.
ADMTSC maintenance provides a strategy to verify that a far-end can respond to
an ISDN-PRI USER INFORMATION TSC heartbeat message, thereby indicating
that user to user signaling is functioning. In addition, maintenance can retrieve
the status of the ADMTSC’s connection state.
Since ADMTSCs are administered on a per signaling group basis, the health of
an ADMTSC also depends on the state of the D-channel or D-channel pair
administered per signaling group. Refer to ISDN-SGR (ISDN-PRI Signaling
Group) Maintenance documentation for details on ISDN-PRI NFAS and
D-channel Backup maintenance. The two administration commands for
ADMTSCs are as follows:
■ add signaling group #
■ change signaling group #
The two maintenance commands for ADMTSCs are as follows:
■ test tsc-administered signaling group #[/tsc index]
■ status tsc-administered signaling group #/tsc index
Hardware Error Log Entries and Test to Clear
a. There is no Test to Clear Value for error types 3840-3967. The error types
provides the following additional data that may prove useful when tracking
down problems.
This error indicates that a TSC Heartbeat Inquiry Test was run on an Active
far-end Administered TSC from the switch. Upon receiving the heartbeat
message, the network communicated to the switch that the call reference
value is not currently in use on the ISDN interface. As a result, the error
was logged. Check the signaling group status of the D-channel or
D-channel pair via the status signaling-group <group> command for the
Administered TSC. Check the status of the Administered TSC via the
status tsc-administered command. Also check the administration of the
Administered TSC on the switch.
ADM TSC Error Log Entries
Error Type Aux Data Associated Test
Board Test to Clear Value
3840-3967(a) tsc index # test tsc-administered