DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-505DIOD-DS1 (DS1 DIOD Trunk)
Conference Circuit Test (#7)
One or more Network Processing Elements (NPEs) reside on each circuit pack
with a TDM Bus interface. (The TN464 UDS1 circuit pack has one SCOTCH-NPE
chip instead of several NPE chips). The NPE controls port connectivity and gain,
and provides conferencing functions on a per-port basis. The Conference Circuit
Test verifies that the NPE channel for the port being tested can correctly perform
the conferencing function. The NPE is instructed to listen to several different
tones and conference the tones together. The resulting signal is then measured
by a tone detector port. If the level of the tone is within a certain range, the test
2053 ABORT At least one of the following errors is found on the DS1
circuit pack:
■ 1281—Loss of signal
■ 1793—Blue Alarm
■ 2049—Red Alarm
■ 2305—Yellow Alarm
■ 1537—Hyperactivity
Look for the above error types in the Hardware Error Log
and follow the procedures given in the appropriate
DS1-BD or UDS1-BD maintenance documentation for
the listed error types.
FAIL The NPE of the tested port was found to be transmitting
in error. This will cause noisy and unreliable
1. Replace the circuit pack.
PASS The port is correctly using its allocated time slots.
User-reported troubles on this port should be
investigated using other port tests and examining
station, trunk, or external wiring.
Table 10-135. TEST #6 NPE Crosstalk Test — Continued
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page