DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-1511TONE-PT (Tone Generator)
Tone Generator Crosstalk Test (#90)
This test checks the ability of the Tone Generator to talk on a specific time slot.
The tone generator is told to talk on a specific time slot. The other idle time slots
are checked to make sure the Tone Generator put the tone on only the specified
time slot.
2 FAIL The system requires TN2182 tone-clocks to support the
currently administered country-options tone generation
1. Check the administration on the system-parameters
country-option form. Specifically, the Base Tone
Generation Set on page 1 and any custom tone
administration beginning on page 2.
2. Replace existing tone-clock circuit packs with
PASS The tone generation facility has been successfully
refreshed with its time-slot translation and system
administration is consistent with this type of tone-clock.
1. Display the Hardware Error Log via the display
errors command to make sure this circuit pack did
not generate new errors.
2. If errors persist, follow normal escalation
Table 10-451. TEST #41 Tone Generator Update/Audit Test — Continued
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page